
Troop 31 Centennial Celebration  

    • Memorial Day Weekend Activities (25-28 May)
      • No-Host Social (Fri evening, 6-9pm, 25 May)  Join us at Oozzlefinch Brewery at Fort Monroe for light refreshments.  This will be a family friendly event.  (81 PATCH ROAD, FORT MONROE, VA  23651  |  757.224.7042)
      • Troop campout with current members and alumni on Parade Ground inside the moat for a family friendly campout (Sat – Sun 26-27 May)
      • Ribbon cutting event for the Fort Monroe Historic Trail.  Join us to be one of the first to earn the National Boy Scout Patch.  All Scout troops and the public are invited (Sat morning 26 May)
      • Tour the old Scout Hut (sometime on Sat)
      • Troop 31 hosted dinner for Charter Organization (Chapel of the Centurion) at the Chapel Center for current members and alumni (Sat., 6:00pm, 26 May)
      • Attend religious services at Saint Mary’s and Chapel of the Centurion (Sun 27 May)
    • Music by the Bay (Thu., 7:00pm, TBD)
      • At the first concert of the year at the Fort Monroe Gazebo, Troop 31 will be recognized publicly for their service to the community for 100 years.
Troop 31 recognized at Monitor-Merrimac District dinner.
Hampton Mayor, Donnie Tuck, presented Senior Patrol Leader Rhett Robinson and Troop Chairman, Jim Clark with new flag with 100 year designation at the BSA District dinner on Feb. 17, 2018.


Troop 31 at the Inauguration of the Governor on Jan. 13, 2018. The Troop was invited to sit in the VIP section with Glen Oder.



Centennial Outline